Settembre 29 , 2017 weddingdetails


How to make a magic atmosphere.

 Candlelight is one of the most wonderful ways to transform the mood in a room as they create a romantic, magical atmosphere. Flickering candles remind one of the twinkling of starlight, but there’s a warmth to them as well, evoking the associations of fire with heart, home and protection. And, of course, candles are spiritual.

As wonderful as they are, be aware that lighting a room just with candles causes whites to appear whiter and darks darker. A room’s details are apt to disappear when lit by candlelight alone. If you like this effect, use as much as white as possible and avoid deeply coloured floral or other décor details. A very simple design is to literally line the room with candles, putting them all along the walls and in every corner… it’s a wonderful effect.

Candles come in three main forms: votive, pillar and taper.

Votive throw off a different type of light. This is due in part to the fact that they are often placed below eye level, on tables or consoles, so that the light they give is less for illumination than for show. They are fabulous as they come in such and incredible variety and selection. You can tailor them to any theme, colour scheme or mood. There are so many different varieties: plain glass, rimmed in metals like silver, brass or gold….the selection is endless.

If you are doing a very contemporary decor, use modern-looking votive such as frosted white. If you are doing something traditional, use votive with a traditional finish such as gilded silver.

Pillar candles give more of an impression of solidity, perhaps even solemnity. Place them on tables, buffets and consoles, they add weight, pillar make a great design statement.

 Tapers come in a variety of lengths, but the longer the better. Traditional tapers are generally associated with the most elegant events. They are a good way to create the illusion of height in a room, or even to break up a space in a room with high ceilings.

Be careful when using tapers as the slightest breeze can cause tapers to spray wax. However, someone was very clever to invent a candle that appears to be a classic taper but is actually a taper within a follower that surrounds the candle and prevent any spillage of wax.

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